Saturday, July 21, 2012


75 ways people say “I don’t want to hear about how you’re really feeling”

    1. Oh, it’s not so bad.
    2. It’s all good.
    3. Cheer up.
    4. Just let it go.
    5. Things will get better.
    6. Take a few deep breaths.
    7. Don’t worry, you’ll feel better.
    8. C’mon, you’re okay.
    9. Move on.
    10. Forgive and forget.
    11. Life’s too short to worry about this.
    12. There’s nothing you can do now.
    13. You can’t change it, so why worry?
    14. The past is the past.
    15. Don’t dwell.
    16. There’s no point fretting over it.
    17. It’s not worth it.
    18. You shouldn’t ruminate.
    19. You’re only going to make it worse by complaining.
    20. If you focus on the negative, you’ll be miserable.
    21. Don’t feed into it.
    22. Don’t let it take up your energy.
    23. Take the high road.
    24. Be the better person.
    25. Toughen up.
    26. Choose your battles wisely. (This shouldn’t count.)
    27. Oh, they didn’t mean it.
    28. What’s the big deal? (This shouldn’t be a big deal.)
    29. I don’t understand what all the fuss is about. (I don’t want to understand what the fuss is about.)
    30. Get some perspective. (Quit being so myopic.)
    31. Wow, how could you say/think/feel that? (I think it’s impossible for you to say/think/feel that.)
    32. You’re making this bigger than it is. (It’s a small thing.)
    33. You’re over-exaggerating. (It’s your problem.)
    34. You’re looking too much into it. (You’re causing yourself agony.)
    35. It’s not about you.
    36. Don’t take it personally.
    37. You shouldn’t have gotten wrapped up in it.
    38. It doesn’t mean anything.
    39. Don’t let it get to you.
    40. Don’t beat yourself up about it.
    41. Don’t let it ruin your day.
    42. This is trivial.
    43. They don’t matter to you.
    44. Don’t let them under your skin.
    45. Try to calm down.
    46. You have better things to do than get upset.
    47. Don’t be a drama queen.
    48. Don’t be such a baby.
    49. Don’t be so sour.
    50. You’re too sensitive.
    51. Your reaction doesn’t make sense.
    52. Try to stay logical.
    53. It’s best to stay level-headed.
    54. Don’t let your emotions get the best of you.
    55. You don’t really mean that.
    56. Think about what you’re saying here.
    57. Don’t say things you don’t really mean.
    58. Are you sure it wasn’t your fault?
    59. You co-created this situation — what’s the value in the lesson?
    60. Just send them love.
    61. Look on the bright side.
    62. Stay positive.
    63. Find something to be grateful for.
    64. Maybe it’s a good thing it happened?
    65. It’s your choice to feel/react/respond that way. (They’re off the hook for their actions.)
    66. I’m sorry you feel that way, because you shouldn’t.
    67. I’m sorry you misunderstood me.
    68. Well, no one’s perfect.
    69. Everyone makes mistakes.
    70. They did that to you because they’re acting out of fear. (That lets them off the hook.)
    71. They’re acting out of pain. (That lets them off the hook.)
    72. It’s their own stuff.
    73. You just need to [insert acitivty here].
    74. [Insert change of topic here.]
    75. Get a grip already.

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